
0 %

are illiterate, disempowered, and living in poverty

0 %

are illiterate, disempowered, and living in poverty

0 Million

before age 15

0 %

in Nepal are married before the age of 18

Child Marriage & Trafficking Awareness

Child trafficking is a horrifying reality that affects millions of children worldwide. These young victims are exploited for labor, sex, and other forms of abuse, stripped of their innocence and basic human rights. Raising awareness about child trafficking is crucial in the fight to end this global crisis. By educating ourselves and others, supporting anti-trafficking organizations, and advocating for stronger protective laws, we can help protect vulnerable children and bring traffickers to justice. Every child deserves a safe and happy childhood. Let's take a stand and be the voice for the voiceless.

Child trafficking is the illegal practice of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or receiving children for the purpose of exploitation. In Nepal, the common forms of exploitation include forced labor, sexual exploitation, forced marriage, for-profit orphanages, and illegal adoption.

Child marriage in Nepal remains a significant social issue, deeply rooted in cultural, economic, and social factors. Despite legal prohibitions, the practice persists in various regions of the country.

Education inequality and gender discrimination are significant issues in Nepal, impacting the lives of many, especially women and girls.

Freedom's not for sale; fight modern slavery. Empower connections; stop exploitation. Educate one, empower many. Be the change against trafficking.</span

How do we tackle trafficking and child marriage in Nepal?


During the 2015 Nepal earthquakes, the Compass Rose International founding team provided disaster relief in remote Himalayan villages. In Shikharbesi and Ghyangphedi, they discovered many girls missing, uncovering an elaborate trafficking ring selling them to Indian brothels.
Location: Ghyangphedi, Nepal – Nestled in the breathtaking Nepali Himalayas, our learning center and dormitory offers hope to girls facing gender-based challenges.


Our dormitory and learning center is located in the remote access Nepali Himalayas. Our center provides equal access to education and accommodation for girls who live over a 1-hour trek from school and are at risk for child sex trafficking and orphan trafficking. A dormitory has been identified by communities in this District as a very clear way to ensure girls can attend school since 70% of victims are illiterate, disempowered, and living in poverty. This project also supports the Nepal Government National Plan to eliminate child trafficking, outlined by the United Nations International Organization for Migration (IOM).


Guided by the Compass Rose Philosophy and aligned with the Nepal Government’s National Plan, we cultivate resilience, confidence, and independence through teaching adaptation, self-protection, and practical skills. By helping them recalibrate their internal compass to their True North, we inspire them to embrace their authentic selves and INpowerment, transforming their lives and addressing these critical issues for a brighter future.

Programming includes: anti-trafficking awareness, leadership, socio-emotional wellness, and self-development.


Compass Rose International uplifts young women vulnerable to child trafficking and mental health challenges, providing tools for resilience, confidence, safety, and independence.

child trafficking

child marriage



Sharmila Tamang

“Ever since I have arrived at this center, I’ve been able to study. Here, I’ve learned discipline, manners, respecting elders, and caring for juniors. I also picked up new skills; sewing, dancing, and playing kabaddi.”

Kalpana Tamang

“I can save 2 hours by studying here instead of walking. I’m picking up new skills here too. As 12th graders with morning sessions, we require a room close to school. However, living alone might not be safe for us. Living here gives us a sense of security. I hope this learning center continues to expand and thrive. “

Sonakshi Sherpa

“Ever since I have arrived at this learning center, I’ve acquired new skills I never knew before. Society may hold us back, but this learning center empowers girls to move ahead. “


"It’s confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures."

-Oprah Winfrey

End Child Trafficking: Protect the Girl's Future