In a world where action speaks louder than words, Chris Ward emerges as a beacon of hope and a relentless fighter against human trafficking. Residing in the picturesque town of Golden, Colorado, Chris serves as the Regional Vice President of Colorado for LegalShield and he served as the Title Sponsor for the 2021 and 2022 Northstar 2 Freedom Gala.
His journey with Compass Rose International (previously known as Global Orphan Prevention) began at a social gathering where he met the organization’s founder, Katie Hilborn. The encounter was serendipitous, as Katie was seeking security support for operations in India—a country Chris was deeply familiar with, thanks to his military background and extensive work as a bodyguard there since 2006.
Upon overhearing her request for a mercenary, Chris answered the call. Feeling an immediate connection to the cause, Chris was moved by Katie’s fervent dedication to combating human trafficking and thus decided to support her mission.
His commitment took him to the Girls INpowerment Center & Dormitory in Nepal in August 2021, alongside Katie and videographer Eric Heiland. What he witnessed there was a harsh reality—a stark lack of financial opportunities and the disturbing truth that girls were being trafficked by their own friends and family. The glimmer of hope in the eyes of these girls only deepened Chris’s resolve to aid Compass Rose International in their mission.
Beyond his fight against human trafficking, Chris is also dedicated to supporting unhoused individuals, particularly military veterans, and other marginalized communities. We asked Chris what drives him for the vision of a better life and how he gives back.
September 30, 2023
Denver, CO